What were the dinosaurs like? How long ago did they live? Can a dinosaur be created from DNA? Did they take care of their young? Why did they die...
Standard Deviants - Dinosaurs: Lifestyles of the Big and Carnivorous
The Standard Deviants tackle the basics of Italian with lots of vocabulary, definite and indefinite articles and conjugating verbs. Whether you're...
Standard Deviants - The Lively World of Italian: Nouns, Verbs & Adjectives
Everyone and their pet has a website—and now you can too! Using hypertext markup language (HTML), the Standard Deviants walk viewers through...
The Standard Deviants: The Hyperlinked World of Learning HTML
Learn Spanish beyond the basic level with interactive, fast-paced graphics and humor.
Standard Deviants - The Constructive World of Advanced Spanish: Verbs
Do you have a little bit of background with the Spanish language, but want to build on that foundation? Then ¡este es el programa para ti!...
Standard Deviants - The Constructive World of Advanced Spanish: Building on the Basics
As a famous English teacher once remarked on his deathbed, "Dying is easy; grammar is hard." If English is your native language, you probably don't...
The Standard Deviants: The Split-Infinitive World of English Grammar
Explains when and where you should - and shouldn't - use these elusive little marks. These DVDs also cover commas, colons, the elusive semi-colon,...
The Standard Deviants: The Untamed World of English Punctuation
Personal Finance will provide you with the seven steps designed to help you gain control of your financial future: dreaming, setting goals, financial...
No-Brainers on Personal Finance
You know, a lot of people love and enjoy Shakespeare's plays. But, just as many people complain that they don't "get" Shakespeare. That's not...
The Standard Deviants: Shakespeare Tragedies
Includes such topics as: origins of government, types of government, components of American democracy, popular consent, popular sovereignty, equality.
The Standard Deviants: The Revolutionary World of American Government
No-Brainers on Taxes will teach you how the system works, and take you step-by-step through Form 1040 and lots of accompanying forms, like 2441,...
No-Brainers on Taxes
Does the idea of speaking in front of an audience fill you with dread? Relax! The Standard Deviants will help you overcome your fear of public...
No-Brainers on Public Speaking
Every year, millions of high school and college students walk into their first geometry class thinking: "Circles and squares. How tough can it be?"...
The Standard Deviants: The Many-Sided World of Geometry, Part 1
Geometry Part 2 goes into detail on perimeter, circumference and area for 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional figures. This DVD is also helpful for...
The Standard Deviants: The Many-Sided World of Geometry, Part 2