Early Monthly Segments, filmed when Beavers was 18 and 19 years old, now forms the opening to his film cycle, "My Hand Outstretched to the Winged...
Early Monthly Segments
"Panic Bodies is a 70-minute, six-part exploration of the ways we experience the body's betrayals: disease, decline and death. The film is a panorama...
Panic Bodies
Filmmaker Jonas Mekas films 160 underground film people over four decades.
Birth of a Nation
In March and April of 1966, Markopoulos created this filmic portrait of writers and artists from his New York circle, including Parker Tyler, W. H....
Portrait of gay filmmaker and Parkinson's sufferer Tom Chomont.
Portrait studies of Mrs. Hodges, Gail Beavers (the filmmaker’s sister) and Gregory J. Markopoulos.