Light the Rock 'n Roll spark with a Flame in the guise of Dave, Noddy, Jim and Don and their showcase of the rise and demise of rock band Flame. Set...
Discover the inside story of the most influential English rock band of the '60s. Inspired by a mix of genres including rhythm and blues, folk and...
The Story of the Kinks
A documentary by Shoreline Entertainment, presented by Tommy Vance and Graham McTavish, a compilation featuring performance clips, interviews, and...
Rock Milestones: Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon
A British-born younger son of an immigrant family from Trinidad finds himself adrift between two cultures.
Live Aid was held on 13 July 1985, simultaneously in Wembley Stadium in London, England, and the John F. Kennedy Stadium in Philadelphia, United...
Live Aid
Four years after they were last the subject of a documentary, the heavy metal band Bad News get back together again for another film of their...
More Bad News