This is inspiring tale revolves around a youngster from a poor family who makes all efforts to win the prestigious 'Maharashtra Kesari' Wrestling...
Kesari (Saffron)
Mauli is a tough cop whose in control when in uniform.But a big terror to criminals without uniform he gets transferred to Kapur village which has no...
A captivating journey of two women who aim to lose their weights and achieve their goal of the size-zero waistline.
This movie is a brutal look at coming of age in a city whose citizens have been famished by brutality and sin for centuries. It is said that the...
Nay Varan Bhat Loncha Kon Nai Koncha
Shailaja embarks on a confrontational journey with her husband and childhood-love as she finds herself at the cusp of her past, present and future....
Three of Us
Three childhood friends embark on a trip to Goa that goes completely off-track when they wake up in their hotel room to find a cache of cocaine...
Madgaon Express
'The Quest [Ringan]' is a story about the boundless love between father and son. Their life is hell on earth. Father Arjun's problems are getting too...
An 11-year-old boy struggles to cope with the death of his father while trying to make new friends in an unfamiliar place, after his mother gets a...
A school master and his students at a small school in a village in Maharashtra fight against all odds to keep the school open against the efforts of...
Second part of the biopic of a Marathi comedian, India's first stand-up comedian P. L. Deshpande.
Bhai - Vyakti Ki Valli - Uttarardha
Biopic of Marathi comedian, India's first stand-up comedian P. L. Deshpande.
Bhai: Vyakti Ki Valli - Poorvardha