One year on from the notorious Ripper murders, London is terrorised once again by a series of brutal killings. When gruesome letters from the Ripper...
Ripper's Revenge
Demons At Dawn follows a retired hitman who is blackmailed into taking one last job. During his mission, he uncovers an elite Satanic cult that use...
Demons at Dawn
A giant beanstalk brings Jack to a land in the clouds filled with snarling, evil beasts. When the creatures make their way to the ground, Jack must...
Jack the Giant Killer
Lawyer Gabriel Utterson is astonished to learn that his lifelong friend Henry Jekyll has apparently committed murder and suicide in the space of one...
Jekyll and Hyde
An unemployed introvert, unable to read or write, draws on brilliant ingenuity when the woman he secretly loves is threatened.
Do Something, Jake
A moving comedy-drama about the love, identity and courage of the LGBTQ community during the first walk towards Gay Pride in 1950s England. Based on...
Once a Year on Blackpool Sands
An aspiring novelist soon finds the deadly reality behind the legend of a Wishmaker.
Conjuring The Genie 2
After an abandoned 400-year-old ship appears off the coast of a small town, Historian Elena and the local coastguard go to investigate. They discover...
Ship of the Damned
A scientist desperate for funding accepts an offer from a shadowy organization. In exchange for funding they demand that he create an unimaginable...
Somewhere in outer space three hot space fighter pilots - Solara, Tansy and Cala (the Bikini Girls) fly daring combat missions whilst maintaining...
Bikini Girls vs Dinosaurs
Starship Andromeda propelled by the revolutionary new Einstein-Rosen (ER) drive completes its maiden voyage and is swiftly reassigned to rescue the...
On the Shoulders of Giants
Gabriel Cushing (David Curtis) and Melanie Lancley (Vicki Glover) fight demons, and they're good at it. Really good. With Gabriel's knowledge and...
Carnival of Sorrows
When Carlton Layton arrives home to find his wife in the arms of another man, he dons the outfit he wears as a children's entertainer and slaughters...
Cleaver: Rise of the Killer Clown
A musician begins experiencing terrifying visions when she moves into the house where the Manson Family committed their infamous crimes.
The Manson Family Massacre
In a dystopian 2016 where income inequality is at 100% and waiters are only being tipped a mere 5% one man decided to take a stand. Watch as Bernie...
Sanders Complaint: America's Greatest Socialist: The Bernie Sanders Story
An investigative journalist tries to save an innocent young woman from a Wiccan cult, but in doing so, is drawn into the bizarre and deadly world of...
Coven of Evil
Waking up chained in a basement after an alcohol fuelled night out. Philip slowly pieces together the events of the previous night. He soon discovers...
In 1944, group of rebellious American soldiers known as "The Filthy Thirteen" parachute into Normandy to carry out a deadly mission.
D-Day Assassins