A family moves their troubled daughter to a small town, where people suspect she is responsible for a series of mysterious deaths. Fearing something...
The Harbinger
Three grown siblings (Judith Scott, Tyler Brooks, Brett Hicks-Maitland) face dilemmas in their careers and personal lives.
The Longer Day of Happiness
An unmanned spaceship returns to Earth carrying samples from Proxima B in the Alpha Centauri system. As scientists study the specimens they discover...
Alien Apocalypse
A young woman exacts revenge when she becomes her birth mother's assistant.
Sinister Assistant
When glacial flooding causes a ripple effect of earthquakes and tsunamis, scientists must create sinkholes to absorb the water and makethe Arctic...
America Is Sinking
Once upon a time, a briefcase full of diamonds purchased by French Mobster Dede Fratelini were headed to its owner in Paris via Las Vegas, but the...
For a Fistful of Diamonds