Following in his dad's footsteps, Shefford devotes himself to freeing his community from the grip of a particularly despotic Mormon sect. In so...
The Rainbow Trail
"Buttsy" Gallagher is a harmless young product of the slums. In all his life he has never been of the slightest importance. His spirit is so...
Notorious Gallagher; or, His Great Triumph
A powerful financial magnate is plotted against by his greedy son.
Democracy: The Vision Restored
Louis, the chef and Oscar, the head waiter, are in love with Mabel the pretty cashier. The Waiters' picnic is held, and Mabel is the cause of much...
The Waiters' Picnic
A 1916 silent film
Her Debt of Honor
The experiences of the American ambassador to Germany, James Gerard, are recounted in this semi-documentary.
My Four Years in Germany
A fun-loving little boy's magic lantern show exposes some indiscreet moments between his landlady mother and her star boarder.
The Star Boarder
When beautiful Salomy Jane resists the romantic advances of a young ruffian, she is rescued by Jack Dart, who has his own additional reasons for...
Salomy Jane
The American ambassador to Germany James W. Gerard warns that Germany will rise again to power and an attempt at world domination unless safeguards...
The King of Kurland suggests a marriage between his son, the crown prince, and Angela, the Princess of Arcacia, to defuse tensions between their tiny...
A Royal Family
The Soul of Man