This mix of a scripted buddy comedy road movie and a real hidden camera prank show follows the outrageous misadventures of two buds stuck in a rut...
Bad Trip
A disconnected teenage girl enters a relationship with a man twice her age. She sees him as the solution to all her problems, but his intentions are...
Palm Trees and Power Lines
Los Angeles, 1949. Ruthless, Brooklyn-born mob king Mickey Cohen runs the show in this town, reaping the ill-gotten gains from the drugs, the guns,...
Gangster Squad
Things don't go as expected when a disenchanted pastor wishes for a different life.
Me Again
Sarah Collins is considering an abortion. Before she makes her final decision, she is presented with three visions causing her to think about the...
Sarah's Choice
Challenges of impending parenthood turn the lives of five couples upside down. Two celebrities are unprepared for the surprise demands of pregnancy;...
What to Expect When You're Expecting
Born under unusual circumstances, Benjamin Button springs into being as an elderly man in a New Orleans nursing home and ages in reverse. Twelve...
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
When Gabriel, a 7-year-old Chinese kid who loves ballet, becomes friends with Rob, another Chinese kid from school, Rob’s dad gets suspicious...
The Little Prince(ss)
A post-WWII nurse takes a job at a morgue and her experience disintegrates into a nightmare as female corpses come to life
The Night Bell